Actor Owned & Operated
In 2018, I was performing in Coriolanus at the Theatricum Botanicum Theatre in Los Angeles. As the show was coming to an end, I started searching for cards to gift my cast and crew, however aside from some very cliche “Break a Leg” cards sporting a plaster cast and pair of crutches, I struggled to find options that aligned with my personality and style. I didn’t know it yet, however this is when the initial idea for Stagegrams was first formed.
I have been acting since the age of six. I have performed in some incredible venues and played some amazing roles, however to date my roles I am most proud of are that of, son, brother, guncle, professor and fiance. My love affair with theatre began with the theatre building itself; the footlights, the proscenium arch and the grand red curtains. This culminated in me graduating with degrees in both, acting and scenic design from the University of Idaho. Shortly after graduating college, I made the move to Los Angeles.
After Coriolanus wrapped, I went home to Seattle to visit my family. It was during this trip home where I first shared my frustration over a lack of theatre cards with my family. I didn't think twice about this until two weeks later after returning back to LA when my business-minded dad sent me a check for $200 to start a business. And just like that, Stagegrams was created. I initially launched my new company on Etsy and since its inception have sold over 3,000 cards. Thank you Dad and Mom for being my first customers.